Cub Master
Work directly with the pack trainer, Tiger Cub den leaders, Cub Scout den leaders, Webelos den leaders, den chiefs, and pack committee chair and members to make sure that all dens are functioning well.
Plan the den and pack programs with the help of other leaders.
Lead the monthly pack meeting with the help of others. Involve all dens in some way.
Coordinate the total Cub Scout program in the pack.
Committee Chairperson
Report to the chartered organization to cultivate harmonious relations.
Confer with the Cubmaster on policy matters relating to Cub Scouting and the chartered organization.
Supervise pack committee operation by
Calling and presiding at pack leaders' meetings.
Assigning duties to committee members.
Planning for pack charter review, roundup, and reregistration.
Approving bills before payment by the pack treasurer.
Conduct the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.
Cooperate with the Cubmaster on council-approved money-earning projects so the pack can earn money for materials and equipment.
Manage finances through adequate financial records.
Maintain adequate pack records and take care of pack property.
If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered.
Help the pack committee and Cubmaster establish a sound financial program for the pack with a pack budget plan.
Open or maintain a bank account in the pack's name and arrange for all transactions to be signed by any two of the Cubmaster, pack committee chair, secretary, or treasurer.
Approve all budget expenditures. Check all disbursements against budget allowances, and pay bills by check. The pack committee chair should approve bills before payment.
Collect dues. Give receipts for these funds, and deposit the money in the bank account.
Keep up-to-date financial records. Enter all income and expenditures under the proper budget item in the finance section of the Pack
Periodically report on the pack's financial condition at the monthly pack leaders' meeting. Make regular monthly reports to the pack committee at the pack leaders' meeting, and report to the chartered organization as often as desirable on the financial condition of the pack.
Provide petty cash needed by leaders. Keep a record of expenditures.
Outdoor Activities Coordinator
Plan and arrange for outdoor activities.
Arrange for property, fire, and tour permits when required.
Locate picnic, camping, and hiking areas.
Plan first aid for emergencies.
Help Webelos den leaders plan Webelos overnight campouts. Help arrange for equipment, as needed.
Plan outings to help pack and dens qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award.
Help inform parents and guardians about opportunities for family camping. Ensure that at least one adult has completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) before any pack campout.
Help promote day camp and resident camp opportunities.
Be aware of BSA health and safety requirements and see that they are implemented.
Know and carry out BSA outdoor program policy related to Cub Scouting. Review all activities to ensure that unit comply with BSA policies in the Guide to Safe Scouting.
Recruitment Coordinator
Assist with recruitment efforts to bring new Cub Scouts into the Pack. Coordinate volunteers at different schools and events. (Meet the teacher nights, walk throughs, and round ups.)
Assist committee with planning and coordinating recruitment events and materials.
Speak with Scouting parents about getting involved in Pack leadership positions and build adult participation in Pack activities with their Cub Scouts.
Organize and assist leadership with new scout night.
Reservation and marketing for skate night recruitment
Pack Trainer/Youth Protection
Encouraging pack leaders to attend Cub Scout Leader Basic Training, which includes New Leader Essentials and Cub Scout Leader Specific Training
Conducting other training as designated by the district and/or council
Encouraging pack leaders to attend ongoing training such as roundtable, pow wow, BALOO, and Wood Badge
Remaining current w/ training material & program updates
Keeping track of pack training records
Insures all Pack Leadership has taken the Youth Protection training.
Encourages all adults outside of Leadership to takes YPT.
Fundraising Chair
Finds fundraisers that are easy and profitable to help defer the costs of camping, Dues, and summer camp.
Sets up the program and teaches kids and adults how it works. Distributes kits, info, and other needs if needed.
Collects monies as described by the fundraiser. Pays treasurer and gets check to pay company as needed.
Assists the Popcorn Kernel as needed.
Popcorn Kernel
Attend kickoff meeting in August/September
Distribute sales materials to Scouts, explain rules, etc.
Schedule Show and Sells with Scouts and parents
Acquire prizes and incentives
Collect orders from scouts and turn in orders to District Office by due date specified in
Pickup popcorn and distribute to scouts
Collect money from scouts and turn in to Pack treasurer
Get check from Pack Treasurer and turn in to District Office
Award Prizes at Pack meeting
Blue & Gold Chair
Make reservation for location & date determined by the committee.
Coordinate with Committee who will handle the activity programs
Coordinate with Pack Committee on budget and awards to be presented
Plan menu with committee and arrange for catering and/or pot luck.
Recruit volunteers for decorating, set up, and clean up.
Use theme decided by committee to find and/or make decorations
Ensure Set up is timely, help serve food, ensure clean up is done.
Pinewood Derby Chair
Purchase award plaques & medals
Purchase and wrap kits to help Santa
Arrange for volunteer crew for car registration, security at garage, concessions stand, running track, catching and retrieval, running the computer, and assure Cub Master MC’s
Insure set up, test the track and timing system, and decorations the night before.
Insure clean up; take down track & decorations
Collect winning cars and transport them to/from the District Pinewood Derby Championships at the District races

Maintain and update the Pack website as directed from the committee.
Help Den Leaders update their den pages if needed.
Insures links work on web site for Google Pack calendar and the Pack Facebook page.